Booklist - The Fiction
Booklist -- Myths and Legends
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The Waters of Sul
Moyra's latest book set in Aquae Sulis in Roman Britain c.72 AD
Guardians of the Tall Stones
A trilogy set in Bronze Age Britain
The Silver Vortex
Sequel to Guardians of the Tall Stones
Akhenaten: Son of the Sun
The story of the pharaoh Akhenaten
Hatshepsut: Daughter of Amun
The story of the female pharaoh Hatshepsut
Tutankhamun and the Daughter of Ra
The story of the wife of Tutankhamun
The Lily and the Bull
Set in Bronze Age Crete
Child of the Dark Star
A future fantasy novel
The Tower and the Emerald
Set in Dark Ages Britain
Life of the Anglo Saxon saint of Ely, 7
century AD
The Winged Man
The legendary King Bladud, Britain c.500 BC
Aquae Sulis
Set in Roman Britain c.72 AD (republished as
The Waters of Sul
The Weapons of the Wolfhound
Teenage novel about Vikings set in the Hebrides and Iceland
Adventures by Leaf Light
Stories for little children
Booklist -- Myths and Legends
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