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Aquae Sulis
by Moyra Caldecott
Bladud Books

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Publisher: Bladud Books, UK
Copyright Date: 1997
Format: 288pp. Paperback
ISBN: 1899142207
Price: �6.99
Availability: Out of Print

Please note that this title was republished with the title The Waters Of Sul in February 1998 by Bladud Books. It has some revisions in the text. Aquae Sulis will not be available from that time.



Aquae Sulis is set in a time of transition and adjustment, when beliefs are questioned and loyalties are tested. Love and hate, conflict and reconciliation, troubled romance and an uneasy traffic with the supernatural all feature in this brilliantly conceived new novel from a masterful storyteller.

In Britain in 72 AD, at Aquae Sulis (the Roman name for Bath in Northeast Somerset), where hot waters gush ceaselessly from the earth, a statue of the hated Emperor Claudius is being erected in the precincts of the Temple of Sulis Minerva. The centurion Decius Brutus, a Celt, is ordered to return to his home town to protect the statue and prevent trouble. But the local people, led by his proud father and his fiery daughter, Megan, are threatening rebellion.

Meanwhile, Megan's twin sister Ethne is torn between her destiny as Oracle of Sul, and her love for Lucius, who is caught up in his own quest for spiritual enlightenment, with the help of the Orphic priest Demosthenes.

Twenty miles away, on Glastonia Island (now Glastonbury), a small Christian community struggles to establish a new religion in a hostile land, away from Roman persecution.


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Last updated October 24, 2005. Copyright � 1998 by Bladud Books