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edition now available from Bladud Books:
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- Publisher: Mushroom
eBooks, UK
- Copyright Date: 1989, 2000
- Format: Various eBook formats
- ISBN: various
- Price: $5.99 or less
Download the first six chapters of Hatshepsut: Daughter of Amun
in plain text ( - 61K)
Daughter of Amun is part of the acclaimed 'Egyptian' sequence,
which also includes Akhenaten: The Son of
the Sun and Tutankhamun and the Daughter
of Ra. Chronologically, Daughter of Amun is the first
book of the sequence. was unnatural, against the laws of Maat, that
a woman should become a man. Surely they must see that?
Ast looked around. The admiration and awe on every face was
evident. She and her son seemed an absurd alternative to that magnificent
golden being standing in the god's light.
Well, she and her son were alive. This was Hatshepsut's moment.
Theirs would come...
Ancient Egypt 3500 years ago - a land ruled by the all-powerful
female king, Hatshepsut. Ambitious, ruthless and worldly: a woman
who established Amun as the chief god of Egypt, bestowing his Priesthood
with unprecedented riches and power.
But how secure is Hatshepsut's power against the claims of the
man whose throne she has usurped? And will the feud between the
new and ambitious Priesthood of Amun and the old establishment of
Ra destroy all she had hoped to build?
This is a story of vision and obsession, of mighty projects and
heartbreaking failures - the story of a woman possessed by the desire
for power and the need to love.
Press cuttings:
"This is a rousing tale, well-told,
and highly recommended." The Augustan, Issue 101.
First published 1989 in paperback by Arrow Books Limited as Daughter
of Amun (ISBN 0099598507).
Republished with new notes and corrections to the text in various
eBook formats by Mushroom eBooks as Hatshepsut: Daughter of Amun
in April 2000.
New paperback edition published April 2004 by Bladud Books.