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20 April 2010

I love my friend Anthea’s paintings.
Three pictures,
illustrations of my two books
Myths of the Sacred Tree
and Crystal Legends.
I went to Santorini
with her in 1990.
I climbed a volcano with her,
and watched the sunset
over the Aegean Sea ,
and walked through
an ancient Minoan town,
and brooded on whether
Thera’s volcano erupting
made an end of the Minoan culture
in Crete .

This week the Icelandic volcano
has disrupted air travel in Europe .
Both my sons,
Julian in Indonesia ,
Strat in America ,
can’t get back to their homes
in England .

Not since Icarus fell from the sky
has man been in so much trouble
Was it the volcanic ash cloud from Santorini
made Icarus fall,
or coming too near the Sun
in pride?
And would the Icelandic volcano
make an end of our civilisation,
based on flying
and money,
as the Santorini volcano did the Minoans
in Crete?

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  • corgijim December 28, 2010, 1:17 am

    Hi Moyra,

    I discovered your work after having a profound experience at the Callanish Stones at the end of Octobeer 2010. I wrote a blog post about it if you are interested. The thing I connected with there was ancient and overwhelmed me physically and emotionally. I was intrigued to read some of your experiences in Multi-Dimensional life. I was given a message and I now feel copmpelled to try to return to the UK and visit other stones and ancient sites to try to find some answers, for myself and others.